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Technology & Startup



Dr. Reagan has held executive-level positions at Deloitte and is a leading expert in startups & technology innovation.


He has also taught at some of the world's most prestigious institutions including Columbia University and John Hopkins.


How can Dr. Reagan help you?


His unique experience as a high-level executive combined with his academic career and his deep knowledge of Industry 4.0 gives him deep insights in how Technology is transforming startups, markets & society globally. 







S T A R T U P S  & M E N T O R I N G

As an entrepreneur, the complexities of putting your ideas into action and scaling them can be daunting. Whether it's an invention or a start-up idea, mentoring provides teams with knowledge in all areas related to the topic of founding - from idea development and potential analysis to conception and business plan.


This includes:
- Business Plan Development
- Market Validation
- Business Model Creation
- Product-market fit/MVP
- Funding/Pitch Preparation

G L O B A L  E X P A N S I O N

In today’s connected world, there are more opportunities than ever to grow a company globally. However, expansion requires knowledge and skills beyond those of building a startup in its initial phases, especially when differences in language and culture are involved. 

Startups need to take a glance at the global business environment and learn how to transform business models for their successful business in international markets.  


Areas of assistance include:  
- Define your global objectives and assess your readiness to start expanding abroad
- Assess which market(s) present the most attractive opportunity for your business
- Prepare a roadmap of anticipated business risks so you can efficiently navigate your new market(s)
- Build an ideal partner profile that will help you vet potential partners—ones that will help you find customers and strengthen your market entry

T E C H N O L O G Y  R E S E A R C H

Fundamental insights and analysis for clients focused on Korean Technology. Focus Area include growth prospects, current trends, and opportunities in the industry 4.0 market. 


Key Industries & Technologies covered include: Industry 4.0, Additive Manufacturing/3D, Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR/MR/XR, Blockchain, 5G/Mobile, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Simulation / Digital Twins, Cybersecurity & Analytics.


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